Public Advocacy

Modern Era of Government Relations

Now, more than ever before, we must all be aware of the impact of Public and Governmental processes. For better and for worse, the Government plays a role in how we conduct our lives. If we do nothing, not only have we abdicated any control, we may not even have notice of decisions which impact us.

Then, what must be done?

Unfortunately, it depends. It depends on the specific situation, the opportunities and the challenges. Each issue should be managed with propriety, diligence and creativity.

We have been involved in International, National, State and Local  programs which have had favorable results in understanding public processes and in delivering effective messages.

US Government Entities we’ve worked with include:

  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Agriculture
  • US Senate
  • US House of Representatives